Monthly Update: August 2015

It’s been a month since I started second shift. Things have definitely changed quite a bit, both at home and at work. But hey, my birthday is right around the corner, so there’s that.

At work, I’m currently training someone as my previous co-worker was transferred due to work ethic. Problem is, I’m one of the youngest people there, so I’m training someone who is several years older than me. Yes, it’s awkward but if it means that I have someone who can help me with my job, then so be it. I’ve had to do some overtime, but that’s expected.

Our let’s play channel is up and running. It’s going to be a challenge when college starts back up for my friends as we record on the weekends and, let’s face it, stuff piles up quickly when you’re at school. Click here for a sample episode, where you can hear my voice, see me play, and watch just one of the multiple title sequences I’ve made (more to come in future episodes). We have Half-Life, Scribblenauts Unlimited, and Boson X and have other titles for release, including Hatoful Boyfriend. It’s the start of what will become our own studio in roughly three years, so we need to get our name out there.

I’ve also been involved with a neurodiversity writer’s group. I’ve had one piece critiqued on self-care and I have another one due in a few days on friendship. It’s great to write for peers who come from similar backgrounds but what’s also great is that it’s done in a clear and regulated manner. We have a set of rules that we follow and from each session, so far, it’s been enjoyable. Besides, it helps me get back into writing for an audience.

Speaking of writing, I realized that one of my projects had to be expanded to a larger runtime. It’s more along the lines of expanding the story since it couldn’t be told within the time I originally planned. So, it’s up to me to flesh things out. I’ve also been toying with the idea of doing a podcast. Nothing set in stone yet, but it’d be more like an audio version of this blog in terms of how the reviews are structured. I’d like to get some good recording equipment (and upgrade my workstation) before I do anything.

The later nights have been nice. I get to come home and the TV is all mine. I’ve been going through my stack of videotapes that I’ve collected over the years. With my birthday coming up shortly, I’ll have some more to go through, namely the Criterion Blu-ray set of Stan Brakhage films. I know that’s going to be fun.

See you next month.

What do you think?