Who Am I?

Appetizers (bio):

Junior in college, living at home in the middle of nowhere section of northeast Indiana
Majoring in film, switched from computer animation
Trying to navigate life on the autistic spectrum through film and video

Wine List (favorite directors):

Stanley Kubrick, Joss Whedon, Alfred Hitchcock, David Lynch, J.J. Abrams

Main Course (favorite films in no particular order):

2001: A Space OdysseyThe Shining, Pink Floyd’s The Wall, Up, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Se7enEraserheadYellow SubmarineBlade Runner: The Final Cut, The Cabin in the Woods, Super 8, BabeThe Straight Story, THX 1138, Toy Story

Side Dishes (favorite TV shows):

Mystery Science Theater 3000, Twin Peaks, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Mythbusters, Rocko’s Modern Life, Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Desserts (trivia):

Billed as an extra in a movie shot in Indiana (will feature around Christmas).

Moderator for CLG Wiki: your source for all things in entertainment logos.

Scavenger in terms of movies; will watch a film in any way I can (not using torrents). Main sources are library, school, film club, local theaters, friends, and secondhand stores.

Late to the party in terms of seeing the “classics” everyone else grew up with.

Length of commute from home to school equals one play of Dark Side of the Moon or Wish You Were Here.

The Mint that Comes with the Bill (the why):

Originally I did this to promote my Vimeo page and videos. Later, I realized that I need to talk about more than just myself. The movie reviews that I do now are more about how I came upon the film, some basic info, my initial thoughts on the experience, some nitpicking, and a final thought with a rating based on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best. The chosen films will mostly be the classic films that you need to see at one point in your life; others will be those that I’ve collected throughout my life. From time to time, there will be a review for a movie that is considered a kid’s film. That’s mostly because I have an autistic brother and he can only watch things targeted towards preschoolers and such. At this point, I will review any movie I can get my hands on.

6 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. First, welcome to the 1,001 Movies Blog Club.

    Second, I look forward to reading your reviews from time to time.

    Third, I was going to point you towards the 1,001 Movies wiki that I help maintain and that helps people track down the impossible to find list entries, but you state here that you only watch films legally. To be blunt that means that you will never complete the list. Films like Deseret exist only in 16mm film in the possession of the filmmaker…or they are online illegally. I’ve scanned some reviews and you mention you’ve seen some on Youtube, which would actually be illegal versions of them, so perhaps you have some wiggle room. If you are interested you can find that wiki here: http://1001films.wikia.com/wiki/1001_Movies_You_Must_See_Before_You_Die_Wiki

    Finally, you seem to be a lists person like me. That means you’ve probably already got tracking sheets built for the ones, like AFI and 1001 Movies, that you are maintaining. If you do not, I offer free tracking sheets for any number of lists, including those, that you can either view or download at my Lists from Chip site. You can get to it from the link on the upper right of my main blog.

    • Thanks. I should clarify that I haven’t used torrents when watching things on the 1001. My online use is focused on YouTube and, in rare instances, someone else’s Netflix.

      Second, I have visited the wiki before and have from time to time looked at what is hard to access. I have a notebook with the entire list and I write in the margins where I can find these movies. That way, if I want to watch something, I already know where to look.

      Third, I do plan to set up pages for the AFI Top 100 and Nominations. The IMDB Top 250 changes constantly, especially as some films toward the bottom drop and reappear at any given time; it would be too much of a hassle to upkeep a page like that.

      I’ll look into those tracking sheets. Thanks for the offer.

      • I’ve never used torrents, either. I have, however, downloaded unavailable movies from non-torrent sites and then watched them on my PC instead of streaming them. That’s the kind of links the wiki provides when a film is not available on Youtube. (And the wiki’s criteria for “hard to find” is “not available from Netflix.”)

        The tracking sheet for the 1,001 Movies includes columns that already show Netflix and Hulu Plus availability. I know people have taken it and expanded it for their own use.

        In regards to the IMDB Top 250 I think you will be interested in one tracking sheet of my own creation. I’ve saved the year end IMDB Top 250 every year since 1998. I’ve compiled those into a list of all the films in weighted order. It gives a truer picture of the top films than the current list. It is also static, except for a handful that get added at the end of each new year, not unlike the 1,001 Movies list.

  2. Just another 1001 Blog Clubber welcoming you aboard! Judging from the sampling of your favorites in your bio, I think we might have pretty similar tastes (it’s been a while since I’ve known someone else to reference Rocko’s Modern Life!) and I look forward to following your reviews!

    • Thanks. I’ve even commented on Joe Murray’s blog a few times and have collected the seasons through Shout! Factory. My taste is indeed eclectic but it shows that I am diverse. I’m catching up on the previously archived movies but I’ll try to stay current with the assigned films.

What do you think?