Save the Date

Time travel is possible; it’s just a matter of how you do it and how you use it.

This was shot on a Monday afternoon, as in a few days ago. This was an exercise in using pre-existing light in a location; whatever lights were on before the camera rolled were unchanged. The camera angles at the beginning and end, while off-kilter and unconventional, are due to the small kitchen.

What’s next, I don’t know yet. Nonetheless, enjoy.

A New Project

Tomorrow will begin what should hopefully be a successful shoot for a short film that I wrote and will direct, film, star (along with two friends), and edit. It should be finished by the end of the week, just in time to submit it to a film fest. When it does, you can see it here first along with some written commentary on the production and the typical behind the scenes stuff.


Back in February, my school put on an event called the 24-Hour Fest. It’s exactly as it sounds. The theme would be revealed when everyone was gathered and in 24 hours, a piece of work from any medium had to be produced based on the theme. This year, we were given “Secrets and Memories.”

I signed myself up as a director and editor. What I found out was that not a lot of people were going to be using video. After I was given the theme, I walked across campus to start brainstorming. The two actors in the black and white scenes were in the animation lab with me at the time. The girl in the colored scene was willing to come in the next day to help.

Script-wise, there was a one page, bare-bones treatment. The dialogue was mostly improv, based on what I had wanted them to say. The camera was a decent digital camera I recently got from my parents. I say that it captured what I wanted.

The reactions that I have received from others have been generally positive. Some say that my work was like David Lynch, one of my influences. One person said that after repeated viewings, it was beginning to make sense. After discussing this with her, she mentioned that she applies her own experience into the piece and making it more personal. I find that helpful now that I know my work has had an impression on someone. This will definitely help with future pieces.