A Different Path

Hey there. I know I’ve practically fallen off the face of the blogosphere around here but there are some reasons for that.

I’ve noticed that my current job has not been kind to me in many ways. I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve been dealing with depression since I was hired. Coupled with weight loss, sleep issues, anger, and sustained hearing damage and you have one unhappy guy who needs an escape for something more comfortable. The song “Highway to Hell”, which has played at least twice a day over two months, has lost all comic form and has turned into a cruel reminder of where I stand. I’ve barely been able to keep pace with my film a day goal since I’ve started. By the time I come home, that’s all I have time for. Videos? Nothing since April. Ideas? They’re there but nothing on paper. The closest I’ve come to doing anything productive with film is working on a podcast and editing videos for a let’s play channel with my friends and that’s only on the weekends (at the very least, Sunday).

Needless to say, you haven’t seen much. There’s not much more I can say without sounding like complaints. Would I love to be more active on this platform? Sure, but I just don’t have the time and energy to focus on that specific part. I really can’t afford to deviate from the routine I’ve set up now.

I’m really not sure how much longer this site will be up. The podcast will probably be the new home to my reviews, which will be new stuff and updated versions of previously published material. I’m already slated to guest on another cast sometime next year (despite only having one episode out at current writing), so I’m doing prep work on that.

It’s been a rough few months with very few moments of solace. I treasure those moments that I do so much more now. Yes, I’ll still be around, but not exactly here. Wish me luck, good health, all that jazz.

Podcast: http://filmspectrum.podbean.com/e/film-spectrum-episode-1-pilot/

What do you think?